Abby’s Nutrition and Fitness BLOG

Nutrition and fitness are both very personal topics, with every person’s needs and goals being different and unique to them. That being said, there are some nutrition and fitness tips that every body can use! Keep reading to learn useful tips on how to build muscle, how to create a healthy diet where all foods fit, and how to fuel your own body so you can look and feel your best!

Epic Week

Epic Week

An EPIC WEEK! Jase, Molly, and I had an EPIC Birthday Adventure Week! I turned 40, and a new decade calls for a BIG celebration! I know. Most women celebrate with a spa day, a nite out, fancy drinks (probably one too many), or a new wardrobe. Not this girl 😉 Jase and...

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Here’s to 40!

Here’s to 40!

HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY TO ME! Jase, Molly, and I are having a Birthday Backpacking WEEK of fun! With Jase and my birthdays being just 4 days apart, we have a tradition where we go on a backpacking/hiking trip in Colorado. For those of you not familiar with backpacking,...

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Chasing Summits with Molly

Chasing Summits with Molly

Jason, Molly, and I went to Leadville, CO this past weekend and summited Missouri Mountain on Saturday. This is Molly's 19th x 14'er (Missouri is 14,074 feet above sea level) and this was a peak we have wanted to check off since last summer. Note: In the...

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Eat the Damn Food

Eat the Damn Food

I'm all about sharing nutrition and fitness content with you (be sure to scroll down for my recent IG posts), sprinkled in with my own personal adventures. I believe fitness is not just about being STRONG in the gym. It’s about being STRONG outside of the gym too. And...

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Wanna Feel Like a ROCKSTAR?

Wanna Feel Like a ROCKSTAR?

17 years ago, as a newly licensed Registered Dietitian (RD), I never imagined my career would lead me here. But all of my mistakes and failures as an athlete has called me to serve other women to make sure they never have to punish themselves like I did. I spent years...

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Happy Memorial Day Team! Today is a great day to reflect on everything that you have and what you're grateful for. Some of the most important things to me are my family and good health. And what a season it's been for both. I am more grateful now than ever before for...

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Up 800 calories + Rockin’ her Clothes

Up 800 calories + Rockin’ her Clothes

Up 800 calories and rockin' her clothes! Most clients that come to us are not ready to truly pursue their goals‼️⚠️ Due to chronic over-dieting/calorie restriction, most clients that sign on with us aren’t in a position to further diet. Sorry ya’ll. If someone is only...

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Your Body is Enough, Just as it is

Your Body is Enough, Just as it is

Happy Mother's Day Monday! A dear client shared this quote (see below) with me and I thought it was appropriate for Mother's Day (and everyday, really). I wanted to share my favorite excerpts with ya'll and I hope you can resonate with the message. Even if you never...

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Top Tips When Reverse Dieting

Top Tips When Reverse Dieting

Do you fear eating more calories ⁉️ Maybe you know you need to eat more calories in order to increase your metabolism, but you’re afraid you’re going to gain weight. But if done correctly, there should be minimal change on the scale, and positive changes to your body...

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