Abby’s Nutrition and Fitness BLOG

Nutrition and fitness are both very personal topics, with every person’s needs and goals being different and unique to them. That being said, there are some nutrition and fitness tips that every body can use! Keep reading to learn useful tips on how to build muscle, how to create a healthy diet where all foods fit, and how to fuel your own body so you can look and feel your best!

The Scale: It’s a Tool NOT a Rule

The Scale: It’s a Tool NOT a Rule

There are 1,799 reasons why… the scale isn’t a good indicator of progress or success. Scale obsession can be all too common with my nutrition coaching clients. This drives me nuts as a nutrition and fitness professional and makes me want to smash most people’s scales...

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Is MyFitnessPal really your Pal?

Is MyFitnessPal really your Pal?

MyFitnessPal is not your Pal.(Stick with me until the end!) And there is a chance that the way you are tracking food right now isn’t working for a reason. True story. Because a real “pal” (aka: Coach) knows you, your body, your history of dieting, your fitness...

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Dear Abby

Dear Abby

Ya'll,My personal experiences have fueled a passion within me to help others avoid the same mistakes I made. I want to help other women escape the prison of over-exercising and under-eating.~~~~ Want to improve your strength + confidence inside + outside of the gym...

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Nutrition Lessons from my Dog

Nutrition Lessons from my Dog

Those of you that know me, know that I'm obsessed with my little yellow lab-dog, Molly. She is my best friend and favorite adventure partner (if my husband is reading this: I'm sorry and I hope you understand). Molly is the kindest soul, and has taught me a great deal...

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The Key to Improving Metabolism

The Key to Improving Metabolism

The key to improving metabolism most likely isn't more fasting and less food. I promise you. Stick with me here. I'm going to flip your previous beliefs on your head! We hear this all of the time: in order to see results you just have to move more + eat less (insert...

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I gained 20 pounds

I gained 20 pounds

I GAINED 20 POUNDS. Listen... one of the reasons I started my own nutrition coaching business was to help others avoid the same mistakes I made in my lifetime. And I believe that ya'll can learn not only from my failures, but also my successes. So I wanted to share a...

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Up 7 Pounds + Fitting in her Jeans!

Up 7 Pounds + Fitting in her Jeans!

UP 7 POUNDS AND FITTING IN HER JEANS. Most clients that come to me are not ready to truly pursue their goals. Due to chronic over-dieting/calorie restriction, most clients that sign on with us aren’t actually in a position to further diet. Sorry ya’ll. If someone is...

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How was your Super Bowl Sunday? Did you celebrate? Or did you sulk because your team didn't go. Sorry Jase. Next year is the year of the Bills 🙂 For those of you paying attention, last week I discussed how to lose fat OR gain muscle. In case you fell asleep and need...

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