Goodbye Summer… Hello Muscles 💪🏼


Sea level to Alpine Lake plunges with Coach Kristin.

I hired Coach Kristin several months ago to help me manage Coaching with Abby (CWA): my nutrition coaching biz + Women’s FB Group. She’s been nothing short of phenomenal, and helps me spread my message of helping women learn how to lift + fuel their bodies to be their strongest versions. 

I didn’t know when I hired Kris that she would become a very dear friend. This weekend Kris made the trip from Ohio to Colorado for biz and play.

When is the last time you did something out of your comfort zone?

On Friday I witnessed her true strength as we hiked with my good friends, Laurie and Val, 13+ miles and climbed 3400 feet all to jump into the Alpine Lake. 

This was super impressive from a girl that lives at sea level. 

After adventuring we celebrated by getting burgers and fries. 

When it comes to achieving your goals, Coach Kris and I speak the same language. Yes, it’s possible to achieve your dream physique and feel strong + badass while still enjoying your favorite foods.

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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