Workout: Memorial Day Edition 🇺🇸


Happy Memorial Day 🇺🇸

Today is a great day to reflect on everything that you have and everything that you’re grateful for.
Some of the most important things to me are my family and health. I’m so grateful for my wonderful husband, Jason, my amazing family (my new niece to be is due in July!), and our physical and mental health. If there is anything I have learned over the last few years, it’s that your health is all you have. Not your money and wealth. Not the latest and greatest gadgets and gizmos. But your health.

We only get ONE body to live this life.

I truly believe that physical, mental, and spiritual health are all connected. If you take care of your physical body and don’t practice extremes (food + fitness + lifestyle), your emotional and spiritual health will flourish.

And vice versa.

If you take care of your mental and spiritual health and speak kindly to yourself, stop creating guilt or shame around food, embrace your strengths and what your body CAN do (vs being fixated on what you look like)… you will be physically unstoppable.

*Note: Spiritual health to me means my connection with God and or personal growth and career development BUT faith looks different for each person. It’s ultimately connected to how we take care of our body and mind.


Be sure to give this Memorial Day Murph workout a try. In the CrossFit world, this is called a ‘Hero’ Workout and honors all who served.

The workout is traditionally bookended with a 1 mile run; however, you can substitute with a bike or row. The middle part of the workout consists of a total of 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats. You can complete all reps of each exercise before moving on to the next OR you can split them up.

In the past I have done 20 Rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats.


  • Pull-ups: You can substitute rows or inverted rows
  • Push-ups: You can modify by doing push-ups on an elevated surface (barbell, couch, counter, bench, etc)


PS: Stay safe and be sure enjoy those Summer BBQ’s… without any food guilt or shame 😉

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