Women Need Iron (not the vitamin)


Hey Strong Girl!
When so many negative voices and narratives fill your head on the daily… take a minute to read or listen to this (video here).

Women need iron 🖤

“Women need iron.
Not the vitamin.
The barbell.
We are trained by the world around us to have f*cked up ideas of our bodies.
Iron unf*cks them.
We are supposed to be as thin as possible, as small as possible perhaps until we disappear.
Iron teaches us to take up space.
We are taught that the only good direction for the scale to go is down.
And to agonize ritualistically when it goes up.
Iron teaches us the power of gaining weight for strength.
And gives us another weight to care about. The weight on the bar.
We are taught to eat small amounts daintily and to look at food as sin and pleasure.
Iron teaches us to eat heartily, and see food as fuel. And to seek out nutritious food.
Iron teaches us how strong we can be.”


When I was an endurance athlete, I used to fear that lifting heavy (and really just weights in general) would make me bulky.

But here’s what lifting weights actually did ➡️➡️➡️
💪🏼 Made me stronger (I LOVE doing weighted pull-ups)
💪🏼 Helped me focus more on the weight I lift vs the weight on the scale (this helped me tremendously as I recovered from my disordered eating)
💪🏼 Gave me more confidence
💪🏼 Makes hiking easier (and carrying my dogs)- it really makes everyday activities easier
💪🏼 Better metabolism, energy, hormones, & sleep
💪🏼 Gave me the muscles and athletic physique I desired (in combo with nutrition)

And I’m sooooo thankful I stuck with it!

What about you? How has lifting weights changed your life? I would love to know. Hit REPLY and share your answers with me ⬇️ Don’t be shy…

PS: If you need help knowing what to do in the gym to look good, feel good, and be your strongest, most Badass version… come join our customized strength training program. Click the link below to get started for just $49/month 🙌🏽

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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