Why you need a Reverse Diet


Do you fear eating more calories ⁉️

You’re not eating a lot and you’re busting ass BUT you’re not losing weight or seeing body composition changes. Do you think it’s time to STOP dieting and instead focus on your metabolism?

You know you probably need to eat more calories in order to increase your metabolism, but you’re afraid you’re going to gain weight. I get it. I’ve been there. And most of our clients think the same thing before they work with us.

Enter the Reverse Diet.

Join me in my Private FB Community: Weight Lifting, Nutrition, & Lifestyle for Women- for my FREE Live Workshop on Reverse Dieting.
Reverse dieting is a strategy use to raise someone’s calories up over a period of time to help optimize and up regulate their metabolism and hormones (thyroid + sex hormones) that play a big role in health and fat loss. While increasing calories, we work to decrease stress on the body (ie: excess cardio, poor sleep, nutrient deficiencies, etc). If you’ve been living off of LOW CALORIES, your body adapts and down regulates hormones. Using reverse dieting helps your body return to homeostasis.

Why you need a Reverse Diet?

☑️ The scale isn’t budging, you’re struggling with weight gain, you’ve plateaued at the gym, & are frustrated & exhausted.

☑️ You’ve tried cutting calories further, your body comp isn’t improving… & you feel like you can’t eat any less or any “cleaner.”

☑️ You want to learn how to improve your metabolism & hormones thru a Reverse Diet.

☑️ You have more weight to lose but want to ensure you do it right.

☑️ You need an Exit Strategy from your current Diet/Deficit.

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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