Tracking Macros is NOT Disordered Eating



Is it disordered if you track your finances?
How much money you make, how much + where you spend money, how much you put towards retirement, kids (dogs), etc.? I’m pretty sure my financial guy would have my back on this 💰

Well… Tracking macros is like tracking your financial budget.

Can you save money without looking at your budget? Sure. But you’ll probably get there quicker knowing the data 🗒️

The same goes for tracking macros.

Can you achieve your goals without tracking? Of course. But you’ll probably be more efficient + effective with knowing how much you eat and how much fuel you actually need 🎯

Tracking shouldn’t come from a place of restriction or deprivation. If you obsess + stress over numbers it usually comes from a place of trying to eat too little or trying to follow a cookie cutter program that emphasizes too low of calories or macro goals.

A huge reason I was able to fully recover from my disordered eating was because I started tracking my macros and working with a Nutrition Coach.

I had come from such a bad place of over-training, under-eating, and really fearing most foods (including *all carbohydrates).

Tracking Taught Me:

  • How to create balance with all carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • For the first time in my life I learned HOW to fuel my body appropriately (which actually meant eating WAY more food than I ever did/imagined).
  • How to integrate ALL FOODS into my life (including chocolate) without fearing certain food groups/nutrients.
  • How to get my dream physique by fueling my body with enough macros.

It actually became super freeing to track foods and finally have a mindset of abundance vs restriction. Life is way more fun when you learn you can + should be eating > 2,000 calories (I’m actually eating 2,500 + calories). And getting results!

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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