Tough Girl


Tough Girl 💪🏼 Yeah… I am talking to YOU!

I had the amazing opportunity to share my story in this podcast with @toughgirlchallenges

Learn how I went from running 💯 mile races ➡️ lifting 💯‘s of pounds ➡️ Discovering balance 💜

We discuss my nutrition philosophies, how to love and appreciate your body (and rest days), and so much more.

Truly, my story is what has led me to serve you and so many others. As tough and challenging as my journey has been, it is what has led me to you and the hundreds and thousands of clients I get to work with either directly thru 1:1 coaching, our FB Group, or thru my badass Lead Coach, Brianna. I experienced a ton of pain, struggle, restriction/deprivation, anything but balance, and frustration with hopes that you never have to experience the same thing. And as a Nutrition Professional, if I struggled knowing how the heck to fuel my body and giving myself permission to eat, I can’t imagine how ya’ll feel sometimes. It’s a jungle out there- ha!

In whatever capacity we know each other, I thank you for your support and allowing me into your life.

Give this episode a listen 🎧

Hit REPLY and share YOUR story with me! Tell me about your own fitness + nutrition journey. Seriously. I would love to hear from you.

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Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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