This is the Life I’m Living Now


I went from running 100 mile races + starving myself to discovering true balance… And being able to do weighted pull-ups equal to my dog’s body weight. As a former endurance addict/junkie, I never imagined that I would fall in love with lifting weights, being strong, and having muscles. But here I am…

And as tough and challenging as my journey has been, it is what has led me to you and the clients I get to work with daily.

I wish someone told me that I could be a badass athlete, look good, feel good, AND eat the damn food. And that reaching my goals would happen faster if I actually loved and fueled my body, instead of battling against it.

But… I experienced a ton of pain, struggle, restriction/deprivation, and frustration, with hopes that you never have to experience the same thing. Are you someone who wants to finally stop battling your body and learn how to strength train and fuel your body to be your strongest, most badass version?


If so, you should apply for a spot in our 1:1 Nutrition + Fitness Coaching program. Just click below to apply for a spot. Once I receive your application, I will personally review it. And if I feel like we are a good match, I will schedule a Discovery Call with you to live chat about your goals and our programs and determine if we are both the right fit.

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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