The Key to Improving Metabolism


The key to improving metabolism most likely isn’t more fasting and less food.

I promise you.

Stick with me here. I’m going to flip your previous beliefs on your head!

We hear this all of the time: in order to see results you just have to move more + eat less (insert annoyed face). In all honesty, as a nutrition + fitness professional, this message is exhausting. Just yesterday a woman on the inter-webs tried to sell me on fasting for everyone. Hey, if it worked so well, we would all be doing it. Just saying.

But I’m not here to hate on fasting (at least not today).

What would life be like if you:
~Got results with MORE food + felt satisfied?
~Stop the cycle of restricting food, over-eating, and guilt?
~Stop obsessing about food and your body and didn’t fear food?
~Start crushing workouts and start living life?

This is exactly what my client, Alex, did.

She is just one example of how moving less/smarter AND fueling the body with more calories is actually more productive for the metabolism.

Prior to working with me, Alex was eating 1,600 calories (55g Protein, 190g Carbs, 65g Fat) + working out 6-8x/week with a mix of cardio + CrossFit + strength training (some days she did double workouts. Eek)!!

Just 3 months in: She’s crushing 2,200 calories (120g Protein, 215g Carbs, 95g Fat) + working out 4x/week prioritizing strength training + daily steps/movement.

The Result?

  • In less than 3 months, we’ve increased her calories by 600!
  • More sustained energy
  • Improved strength/performance in the gym (setting PR’s where she had previously plateaued)
  • Less cravings
  • Elimination of over-eating/binges
  • Greater flexibility/freedom with food, social outings
  • Improved body composition (he’s fiancé now says she looks “jacked”)
  • The best part? She is ONLY 3 months in to her journey…

One of the best ways to improve your metabolism is to feed it enough calories + integrate strength training. Think of your metabolism like a bank account. You gotta build it up before you make those withdrawals.

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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