Strong Girl Summer Adventures


As a former endurance addict, I never imagined that I could or would fall in love with lifting weights, being strong, and having muscles.

But here I am.

I recently finished an 11-week fat loss phase. You can read more about it here:

Goal achieved: Feel strong + confident AF in my bikini 🔥👙

Current goal: Strong Girl Summer Adventures!

🎒 My best friend, Laurie, and I are backpacking a segment of the Colorado Trail this August.

🚶🏻‍♀️We will be thru hiking just over 130 miles total over 7 days. This means we don’t have access to bathrooms, showers, hotels, restaurants, etc.

🏔️This averages out to about 18-21 miles/day with nearly 3,000′ of elevation gain per day.

🏕️ We will each be responsible for carrying our own backpacks filled with our essentials for the entire week. Items like: tent, sleeping bag, water, food, clothes, etc.

This adventure is nothing short of epic. I argue that it might just be a once in a lifetime experience. I know it’ll definitely be the longest I’ll go without showering in my lifetime (7 days, ya’ll)! But in all seriousness, epic strong girl adventures like this call for epic nutrition + training.

🔆 I am no longer eating to maintain my physique. Rather, I am eating 100% for performance and recovery. This will require me to eat at maintenance/surplus. Ideally I would like to maintain my weight/muscle mass.

🔆 I am working with my nutrition coach to build my calories back up to my *new maintenance* based on my current body weight, activity, etc. I am currently eating ~2200 calories a day (and increasing) + 270g Carbs. For reference, I finished my cut at 1600 calories.

🔆 I will be determining what foods I enjoy/work while I’m hiking to know what to pack for the trip.

🔆 I am adding in 2-3 trail hikes/week + reduce my strength training volume to 2-3x/week.

It’s been awhile since I’ve trained for a specific event. Let alone, an endurance endeavor. But I’m super pumped to get out in the mountains this summer and spend time with my fave training partners, Jason (husband), and Molly (dog), and of course BFF, Laurie.

How about you? What strong girl summer adventures and goals do you have planned? I would love to hear about YOU and your goals. Hit REPLY and let me know what your goals are. Seriously. I personally read and respond to every email.

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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