Rest Days are the Best Days!


I have to tell you a secret…

Well, it’s not really a secret… more my perspective after years of disordered eating + working out to punish my body + “earn” my calories.

TODAY: Rest days are the best days.

Rest days rejuvenate my body + spirit ☀️

There was a time in my life I was Team “No Rest Days.” I am so sorry, body.

But after many years of abusing my body and over-training (and under-fueling), I’ve discovered real peace with rest, recovery, laying low, and days off from the gym. There is huge value in recovery (for the mind + body), and it is truly the SECRET SAUCE to getting results.

Recovery these days means ↙️↙️↙️
✔️ Morning dog walks with my pack- still aiming for 8-10k steps/day 🐕 🐕
✔️ Puppy + kitten kisses (and husband) 😽
✔️ Watching some extra TV with Jase + catching up on house chores that I might neglect when I’m going in to the gym 😹
✔️ Still fueling my body with adequate calories (even though I didn’t workout). I keep calories fairly consistent day to day, regardless of training or rest days.

Remember: If you take care of your body, it will take care of you right back!

So rather than focusing so heavily on your aesthetics… I challenge you to focus on your internal biofeedback. How are you feeling? Energy, sleep, recovery, menstrual cycles, libido, digestion, etc… If we can make improvements to your biofeedback, chances are, your physique will follow.

And I say this with love… But if you’re like a lot of the women I see… and you continue to beat your body up and treat it like trash (ie: you don’t take rest days, you under-eat, restrict to then just binge later, have poor thyroid/hormone health, don’t sleep well or recover…) don’t expect it to perform and get you results.

How about you, strong girl?
Are you Team Rest or No-Rest Days? Do you feel like you workout hard, bust ass, and eat well… but still feel like you can’t achieve that athletic physique you desire?

Do you want help personalizing your nutrition/fitness to better optimize your results? Simply schedule a Discovery Call and let’s chat!

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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