Merry Fitness to You.


Baking and holidays are synonymous, right? I am a Registered Dietitian and Trainer. But I am also human and I love dessert. It’s my favorite meal of the day. I used to deprive myself of so many foods (including sweets and dessert) that when I finally ate an indulgence, I often binged. And this created extreme feelings of discomfort and guilt which led to even more deprivation, self-hate, and feeling the NEED to exercise and not take rest days. It has taken me years to create balance in my life with food and fitness. But it feels damn good.

I hired a Nutrition Coach a few years ago to improve my body composition and performance. Little did I know that working with a coach would also positively change my relationship with food. I tracked macros (aka flexible dieting) initially to slowly increase my calories. I had been in such a chronic deficit that contributed to overtraining and hormonal imbalances. By tracking food consistently I slowly started to integrate foods into my day that I never would have “allowed.”

Today I have graduated from tracking foods. I have learned to recognize when to fuel. Like most women that I coach, I am more likely to under-eat if I am not aware, but it does get easier with time. If I ever find myself slipping back into bad habits of restriction I quickly give myself permission to fuel my body and enjoy food. I am not perfect. No one is. I fully believe (and practice) that all foods fit in a sustainable nutrition plan. And exercise should not be a form of punishment. Working out is meant to help our bodies, not destroy them. I finally subscribe to this and no longer spend hours in the gym doing way too much cardio or weight lifting.

My Christmas wish is that you practice balance and learn how to fit all foods into your lifestyle without guilt. And that you find peace (not pain) with your workouts. I have just a few spots left for Nutrition Coaching in 2021.

My Mom makes Buckeyes every Christmas. They are a favorite of mine; however, they also seem to irritate my skin. It might be the PB. Anyone else that struggles with eczema relate? Have no fear though- I found this Paleo recipe for Buckeyes that is Gluten Free and Dairy Free and taste just as delicious as my Mom’s famous Buckeyes (well, never as good as as Mom’s).

What is your favorite holiday food or dessert? Be sure to join our Private FB Group and share your recipe in our group and join our 12 Days of Fitness Challenge. Once you are a member you can invite your friends and family to be a part of this group and join you in this Challenge.

Fuel your dreams!
Coach Abby
Registered Dietitian Nutrition Coach & Personal Trainer

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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