Meet my Bad@ss Client, Adela


Meet my badass client Adela 🔥

Adela added 800 calories a day in 8 weeks without gaining weight while crushing 2300 calories a day.

In just 2 months she’s improved her body composition, energy, sleep, digestion, and hormones ⚡️

Not to mention, Adela has improved her relationship surrounding food + fitness and no longer fears Carbs (or that piece of birthday cake) 🎂

Before she started working with me, Adela was eating just 1500-1700 calories and struggling with her weight. Now she’s eating 8️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ more calories a day (you read that correctly: 800 MORE CALORIES) than when she started, which is huge for metabolic flexibility… and she’s maintained her body weight through her Reverse Diet.

2 months in… & Adela’s just getting started!

Adela’s Wins💥

✔️ Eating 800 more calories per day while improving her physique.
✔️ Currently crushing 2300 calories/day (and still increasing calories)!
✔️ Improved strength and recovery in the gym (setting PR’s in all of her lifts), while decreasing the volume of cardio.
✔️ Improved metabolism/biofeedback (energy, sleep, digestion, and hormones).
✔️ Mental transformation– learning to be in control of food + avoid the all or none mentality.

Pretty amazing right… And we haven’t even started a diet/cut yet ✂️

When Adela started working with me, the first step was to begin a Reverse Diet to…

  • Improve metabolism and increase how many calories she was consuming.
  • Improve biofeedback (energy, sleep, digestion, and hormones were all struggles for her).
  • Increase performance in the gym and possibly build some lean muscle (which helps metabolism + body composition).
  • Set her up for a successful Fat Loss Phase, which we will attempt later this Fall.

If you wanna look like you lift… you gotta eat like you lift 💪🏼

Want to finally look like you lift while crushing enough fuel?

Apply for 1:1 Coaching below ⬇️

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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