What’s shaking? Monday’s can either mean- ‘ugh another week’ OR ‘heck yes, another week!’ Which one will you choose?
I argue that it’s another opportunity to work on your strengths and weaknesses in an effort to continue to work towards your goal. All without a fancy detox program or shakes only meals targeted at quick fixes. I am a long-game Dietitian Nutrition Coach. This means that I care way too much about YOU and your hormones to sell you a quick fix or results that aren’t sustainable.
This week I wanted to review “Dieting 101” and how to get started with knowing how much to eat and WHY.
Keep in mind that most active individuals need >1800-2400+ calories/day, if not more.
Maintenance (aka: Reverse Diet)
- The amount of calories needed to maintain weight without changes to your fat mass or lean muscle.
- Can see positive feedback with body composition, but the scale will stay the same (or slight increase or decrease).
- Biofeedback gets better (energy, gym performance, hormones, menstrual cycle, libido, mood, sleep, etc).
- Can take 4-18+ months to get to maintenance + hang there (depends on how long it took you to get here and how long your body needs to restore metabolism).
- Aim for >160g Carbs, >65g Fat for optimal thyroid + sex hormones.
- Here’s how to calculate your caloric goals: https://coachingwithabby.com/blog/customize-your-calories-macros-and-stop-eating-1500-calories-a-day/
- The amount of calories needed to lose weight (from maintenance).
- You can’t differentiate between losing fat vs muscle.
- You must EARN the right to diet: To start, biofeedback must be great + you are starting from maintenance calories.
- Diet no more than 12-16 weeks at a time (no more than 1-2x year because metabolism + hormones decline).
- Be sure to run thru this checklist to see if you are in an optimal spot to begin a deficit/cut: https://coachingwithabby.com/blog/you-have-to-earn-the-right-to-diet/
- The amount of calories needed to gain weight (beyond maintenance).
- When used in combination with a progressive overload strength training program this can support muscle growth.
- 105-110% maintenance calories.
- Building muscle elicits better physique/body composition changes.