Hello Spring…I’ve Missed You


Happy Easter & Happy Spring Ya’ll 🐰💐

I wanted to share something beautiful that I heard this weekend.

Whether you are a believer or not, I think you’ll find this really interesting.

I went to church on Easter and one of the things that the Pastor mentioned was that we have to get rid of our ‘Orphan Thinking.’ He said ‘Orphan Thinking’ is when we believe we have to earn our value to be valuable. This type of thinking can lead us to always feel empty or shameful.

Truth: You don’t have to earn value to be valuable.

What does this statement mean for your own personal nutrition + fitness journey? To me, this means you are always enough. Regardless of your past journey, or the narrative that you tell yourself or others tell you. You are 1000 times enough just as you imperfectly are today.

You are NOT perfect (and never will be), yet you are enough.

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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