Football Season Snack Guide


Football season doesn’t have to ruin all the hard work you put in at the gym. 

Whether you’re watching football, basketball, a Netflix marathon, or even your kids soccer practices/games… you don’t have to sacrifice progress or those gym gainz.

It may not be the best season to try a Fat Loss Phase. In fact, fall/winter is a great season to work on building your maintenance/small surplus to add some muscle to better support your metabolism. 

Check out my Top 5 Tips for not just surviving, but thriving this season and setting yourself up for PR’s to come!!

1- Get your workout/steps in first thing in the morning! That way, regardless of any OT or over-partying, you know you got some movement in.

2- Have a higher Protein breakfast. Aim for >35g. This will increase satiety, and decrease your chances of over-eating later. Try to include Protein when you’re snacking. Refer to Abby‘s Football Snacks.

3- Stay hydrated with water or low-calories drinks if you plan to indulge in more food/alcohol.

4- Pre-Track your Meals or create a rough meal “plan” for the day so that you don’t skip meals OR accidentally eat in a giant surplus!

5- And if the Buffalo Bills (or your team) make it to the Super Bowl…don’t track your foods!

Which is your fave Tip? Or any that you would add?

Welcome to the NSL 

National Snack League.

Football season (or whatever fun event you have planned) doesn’t have to ruin all of the hard work you put in at the gym.

And just because you track Macros, or “watch what you eat” doesn’t mean snacks have to boring.

Choose from some of my faves here and be sure to try the Crockpot Buffalo Chicken  It’s easy, delicious, and so versatile!

What’s your fave football snack? And sorry, beer doesn’t count. 

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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