Feliz Naughty Dog


Merry Fitness and Happy Holidays to you and your families (fur children included, of course).

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and got to enjoy some tasty holiday treats (amongst time with family) WITHOUT all the guilt.

Thank you for letting me into your life and allowing me to use my God-given gifts to inspire, motivate, and serve you. I am honored to be a part of your health and fitness journey and I will always strive to be your #1 cheerleader!!

To me, the holidays are about FAITH. And family, and food of course.

FAITH is believing in what you can’t see.

I took a giant leap of faith by leaving a “safe” job of 12+ years to start my own nutrition/fitness coaching business during the global pandemic over 2 years ago. I chose faith over fear and did something I was scared of. I’ve learned that imperfect (sometimes sloppy) action beats standing still and FAILURE is just feedback that translates to future success.

As we get ready to celebrate the New Year, let me ask you these questions:

  • What is something you are going to do in 2023 that scares you?
  • What forces you out of your comfort zone?
  • What is something you have put off because you are afraid to fail?
  • What do you want to accomplish this year?
  • How will you make this year better than the last?
  • What parts of your life do you have faith in?
  • What areas do you need more faith (believing in what you can’t see)? Psst: I’m not just talking about religion here.

Spoiler Alert: What if I told you that you don’t need to be perfect to take action?

BUT. You have to start.

Are you ready to open a new door? Maybe shut another? What do you want to accomplish this year? I would love to be a part of your health and fitness journey.

Hit REPLY and let me know what you want to conquer in 2023. I want to cheer you on!


No Bake Cookie Recipe 

I wanted to share the recipe with ya’ll because they are so delicious! They remind me of the Girl Scout Samoa cookies. They are grain free and don’t contain any gluten, dairy, or eggs. This means HOORAH for my skin/eczema/digestion! Can anyone else relate? If needed, you could definitely swap out Almond Butter with a nut free option like SunButter (made from Sunflower seeds).

I wanted to share the recipe with ya’ll because they are so delicious! They remind me of the Girl Scout Samoa cookies. They are grain free and don’t contain any gluten, dairy, or eggs. This means HOORAH for my skin/eczema/digestion! Can anyone else relate? If needed, you could definitely swap out Almond Butter with a nut free option like SunButter (made from Sunflower seeds).

No-Bake Cookies (Paleo)

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Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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