Donut Forget


Strong Girl,

You can still achieve your dream physique while enjoying foods like donuts.

*I realize everyone is on a different journey. For one person, their win could be having 1 slice of pizza instead of 2. And for another, their win could be eating the pizza without guilt, shame, or punishment. For most women that we work with, it’s teaching them how all foods can fit into their forever nutrition plan.*

I created Coaching with Abby (CWA) because I have been in your sneakers.

I know what it feels like to eat “clean” all the time and restrict so many amazing foods (HELLO CARBS). Because that’s what I thought it took to get results and achieve the athletic toned physique I desired.

I know how it feels to workout balls to the wall… I used to spend hours in the gym and critique my body. In fact, the more time I spent working out and obsessing about how little I could eat, the more I hated myself.

I restricted myself so much that when I did allow myself to eat a treat, I would eat till I was beyond full, feel immense guilt for what I ate, and head to the running trails or gym to make sure that I burned off everything I ate. Don’t worry ya’ll: I have since apologized to my body and made things right.

I was essentially living my entire life obsessed about food. Maybe you’re reading this and saying, ugh, that’s me every single day.

The truth is, the reason I struggled so much was because I had so much control over everything I ate (or restricted) until I didn’t. I went crazy and binged on all the foods that I would never allow because I was so dang strict with my food rules and my body felt so depleted.

At the time, I didn’t realize that was a result of the restricting I was doing and generally not getting enough calories on a daily basis to support my activity. Yes, active people generally need way more than 2,000 calories a day. As a result, I would EAT. ALL. THE. CARBS. in one sitting because of the restrictions I had placed on myself, combined with my all or nothing mentality.

If I wasn’t eating that whole cake, bar of chocolate, or jar of Justin’s Almond Butter, I wasn’t eating it at all.

Because I mean really… why would I ruin my day of ‘good’ eating, unless I was really gonna go out with a bang?

It was only once I learned to get rid of this all or nothing mentality, started tracking macros, and made sure I was eating enough food daily that I understood that I actually could include these types of foods in my diet and still be healthy AND get results. I slowly began to start letting go of my obsession with food and what I thought was my ‘healthy’ lifestyle.

You can still achieve/make progress on your strength and physique goals while enjoying your fave foods. And WITHOUT the stress of depriving yourself.

Ya’ll, I’ve tried it all… Keto. Fasting. Under-eating. Over-training. I failed over and over (and over) so that you don’t have to.

CWA was designed specifically for ya’ll. I created my coaching business to give you the tools to learn HOW to fuel your body to actually support your metabolism for sustainable results. We believe in the long-game, building your forever plan… not some 60 day bull-shit program that isn’t maintainable.

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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