Balance is Something you Create


I used to think being as small as possible was healthy. I spent years under-eating and over-training and dealt with anxiety and obsessive thoughts about food. I might not be the leanest version of me today. But at 41, I’m the healthiest version of me- emotionally + physically.

Balance is something you create 🖤

My Mom & Dad were in town last week (visiting from NY) so I didn’t track my meals or obsess about food. Instead, I focused on enjoying my time with my parents and did my best making choices that support my goals. With some pizza and homemade brownies of course 😋

Are you struggling to find balance with your food + fitness? Are you an all or none kinda gal? Are you the girl that brings her Tupperware to a party and panics if she goes off plan? Are you afraid to not eat “clean” or skip a workout?

Well, at CWA, we teach women just like you how to lift + fuel your body to look good, feel good, and set PR’s inside/outside the gym ✨

Here’s the exact steps on how we do this (and how you can, too) ⬇️

Step 1️⃣ Awareness.
We teach you how to track your macros, your weight/body composition, and biofeedback scores into our tracker daily as it teaches our clients a lot about their body, helps build real self-awareness, creates more accountability to stay on track, and helps our coaching adjustments go forward. Most of the times clients don’t even have an idea of how much or how little they are actually consuming vs what they need!!

Step 2️⃣ Modification.
That’s right. Coaching and nutrition is NOT a one and done cookie cutter macro calculator. In fact, your macros are probably the least interesting thing about Coaching. Based on your feedback in check-in’s, we make modifications to your nutrition plan. Sometimes this means giving you MORE carbs, and sometimes this means diving in to your hormones, digestion, or food quality. And sometimes it means we don;t have to change a dang thing. We just need to continue with consistency.

Step 3️⃣ Follow a Periodized Nutrition Program.
When you actually take the time to create a periodized nutrition approach, your results will improve significantly. This means following a plan that allows you to build daily healthy habits that feel doable for you, and also allows you seasons of eating enough and improving your metabolism/hormones, balanced with seasons of fat loss. This takes patience, consistency, and doing the boring, unsexy work up front. We encourage our 1:1 clients to play the long-game and put in the boring work up front for a greater long-term results.

This is CWA’s 3️⃣ step process, but you can replicate this for yourself. How are you doing? Which step do you need some help with?

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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