Baby you’re a *FIREWORK*


Happy (almost) Independence Day fitness fam, from Coach Molly (dog) and me! Make it a safe and fun holiday.

Plus, it’s officially July!!!!

And it’s the MOST wonderful time of the year (for me)! Eek!

July is my fave MONTH. It’s my birthday month (plus my husband’s), so I may be partially biased… But also, you can’t beat the hot weather, summer hikes/camping/backpacking in Colorado, more daylight, and being able to jump out of bed (because it’s light before 5am) and throw on shorts and a tank top. The winter multiple layers, coats, gloves and hats isn’t for this gal.

I am 100% Team Strong Girl Summer Adventures. What about you?


PS: Calling all Strong Girls!
All the ladies that joined my Metabolism Masterclass this past Thursday absolutely loved the class! And it’s definitely one of my favorite classes to teach.

I know this class needs to be in the hands of more badass women because I know it’s going to be so helpful to learn why not eating enough + busting ass can actually cause a downshift in hormones. Plus I give you the strategies to get started making improvements! Learn the 8 core habits you should be crushing to create sustainable, lasting, BADASS results.

For these reasons, I wanted to extend the Masterclass and give you access to the replay.

As a 4th of July gift to you, I am extending video access thru July 9 (my birthday!!)! If you buy the recording by July 9th (and yes, it’s still only $17!), I am adding in an additional BONUS. I’ll be going in the Private FB Forum to do a LIVE Q&A on July 10th for any additional burning Q’s that you have based on the recording.

See ya’ll in my Metabolism Private FB Forum! Just send me a message to join!

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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