About Last Night…


Did ya’ll miss my FB Live from Wednesday on How to Know You’re Ready for a FAT LOSS PHASE.

It was pretty epic. In case you’re having FOMO… or just want to review the info again…

Catch the REPLAY here.

🙋🏻‍♀️ You must be a member in my FB Group (Weight Lifting, Nutrition, & Lifestyle for Women) so be sure to join TODAY (please be sure to answer the membership Q’s to be approved)!

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

And if this Workshop left you asking more questions, wanting more personalized info, or ready to finally repair + heal your metabolism… You don’t want to miss this special offer I have for ya’ll! And because ya’ll are on my VIP email list, you are the FIRST people to hear about it!

I have 5 spots open for 1:1 Coaching in June. And I want to Coach YOU!

Nourish & Thrive: 1:1 Customized Macro Coaching:
If you are feeling ready for the next step or want more information, please apply for Nourish & Thrive: our 1:1 customized macro coaching program.

The goal of 1:1 coaching is for you to ultimately get to a place where you’re able to achieve the body composition you desire.

👀 Here’s a peek into what ongoing support and accountability will look like based on what I know you’re desiring:

  • We can plan to work thru this over the next 6 months. That’s right: we like to produce transformations and aren’t a 75 day program).
  • Determine your maintenance calories and work on metabolic restoration to support a thriving metabolism and set you up for a successful fat loss phase in the future.
  • Personalized nutrition plan to support you in building lean muscle + losing fat.
  • Understand how to adjust your nutrition based on seasons of metabolic restoration, fat loss, and muscle building.
  • All of this is thru the lens of tracking macros, flexible dieting, and behavior modification.

💎 Here’s what’s included in our 1:1 Coaching:

  • Customized check-ins with your coach (weekly → bi-weekly).
  • We will modify your plan based on biofeedback, macro averages, measurements, progress pics, etc. to ensure that we stay on track with your goals of losing fat + building muscle.
  • Coach access/messaging service in between check-in’s for times when you want to celebrate a successful progress picture or troubleshoot the inevitable fat loss plateau.
  • Monthly Group Zoom Calls with Coach Abby + other women in the program for community support, face to face time with your Coaches, and Q & A.

If you’re ready to get unstuck, and finally learn how to fuel your body so that your body reflects all of your hard work in the gym… there’s never a perfect time, which makes NOW the best time.
Let’s go girls!!

Book your Free Strategy Call to chat more about your goals + see if CWA is the right fit for you (and our team) 👇🏽 👇🏽 👇🏽

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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