9 Fun Facts About Me


If you’re new here,  it’s great to meet you! Thank you for joining my community. And if you’ve been here for awhile, thank you for sticking with me over the years. I love ya’ll.

Here’s 9 FUN facts about me (because it’s the New Year)!!

1️⃣- My name is Abby McQueeney Penamonte. But you can call me Coach Abby. I’ve been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) for almost 20 years!! And I’ve been a Personal Trainer for 10 years. I guess you can say that I started when I was 5 years old. Kidding. I’m 42 years young! 👋🏽

2️⃣- I used to compete in ultra-marathons. I have run 7 x one-hundred mile races in my lifetime. And in 2013, I competed in the Grand Slam of Ultra Running. This consists of running 4 x 100 mile races within a summer. My fastest time was 22 hours and 6 minutes. And no, most people that are competitive don’t stop to “rest” or take a nap. 🏃🏻‍♀️

3️⃣- I am from Rochester, NY, and currently live outside of Denver, CO. My husband, Jason, and I are in the Mafia… The Buffalo Bills Mafia (aka diehard fans). The first time that we met, we discovered we are both Bills fans. I guess the rest was history. I love watching football (and really anything else) with Jason. We always love a good murder mystery story, documentary, or shows about athletes. 🏈

4️⃣- I’m a Fur Mom of 2! I have two Yellow Labradors. They are mild and wild. Molly is 6 (she’s the mild but spunky pup). Molly had a career change as a pup (aka: she is a service dog drop out). Now she is my sidekick in life. And then there’s Max, our almost 2 year old rescue pup. He is excited to explore the world with us and climb mountains (even if it means dragging me along). My pets help me live my biggest + best life, get me out the door in the morning for walks, bring me on adventures in the mountains, and really just make me so happy. 🐕 🐕

5️⃣- I used to compete in Powerlifting and went to Powerlifting Nationals in 2018. My all time PR’s are: Squat 290#, Bench 190#, and Deadlift 340# at 63kg weight class. Now I lift weights to be my strongest version of myself and to be able to lift Molly (and Max). My new fave PR is a 52.5# weighted Pull-Up (aka Pup-Up). This is Molly’s body weight. 🏋🏻‍♀️

6️⃣- Molly, Jason, and I have summited 21 x 14’ers together! A 14’er (aka: Fourteener) is a mountain > 14,000′ elevation (above sea level). Molly and I love to share summit snacks, and some of our faves are: sweet potato chips, PB packets, and fruit/vegetable pouches. 🏔️

7️⃣- I actually prefer eating at home vs going out to eat. Jason is an excellent chef! My fave meal is a homemade burger + bagel bun, with bacon and guacamole, sweet potato fries, and roasted, crispy brussel sprouts. My runner up meal would be chips + guac + tacos + Margs (light on the sugar, heavy on the salt)! 🍔

8️⃣- I love dark chocolate! My fave brand is HU chocolate. I really believe that all foods can fit. I spent so many years struggling with an eating disorder + overtraining. I used to restrict so many foods, came up with bullshit food rules, and always felt fear, shame, and guilt for eating things like chocolate. I no longer view food as the enemy, and I no longer workout to punish myself. Today, I enjoy all the things like chocolate, ice cream, pizza, and chips. 🍫

9️⃣- Serving women and teaching them how to fuel their bodies, be a badass inside + outside the gym, and to no longer be at war with their bodies is my mission in life. I legit was put on this Earth to do this very thing. I want to be the coach I wish I had when I was struggling with my eating disorder and I don’t want anyone to experience what I did. That’s what gets me up every morning. 💪🏼

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