If you’re new here, it’s great to meet you! Thank you for joining my community. And if you’ve been here for awhile, thank you for sticking with me over the years. I love ya’ll.
Here’s 9 FUN facts about me (because it’s the New Year)!!
1️⃣- My name is Abby McQueeney Penamonte. But you can call me Coach Abby. I’ve been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) for almost 20 years!! And I’ve been a Personal Trainer for 10 years. I guess you can say that I started when I was 5 years old. Kidding. I’m 42 years young! 👋🏽
2️⃣- I used to compete in ultra-marathons. I have run 7 x one-hundred mile races in my lifetime. And in 2013, I competed in the Grand Slam of Ultra Running. This consists of running 4 x 100 mile races within a summer. My fastest time was 22 hours and 6 minutes. And no, most people that are competitive don’t stop to “rest” or take a nap. 🏃🏻♀️
3️⃣- I am from Rochester, NY, and currently live outside of Denver, CO. My husband, Jason, and I are in the Mafia… The Buffalo Bills Mafia (aka diehard fans). The first time that we met, we discovered we are both Bills fans. I guess the rest was history. I love watching football (and really anything else) with Jason. We always love a good murder mystery story, documentary, or shows about athletes. 🏈
4️⃣- I’m a Fur Mom of 2! I have two Yellow Labradors. They are mild and wild. Molly is 6 (she’s the mild but spunky pup). Molly had a career change as a pup (aka: she is a service dog drop out). Now she is my sidekick in life. And then there’s Max, our almost 2 year old rescue pup. He is excited to explore the world with us and climb mountains (even if it means dragging me along). My pets help me live my biggest + best life, get me out the door in the morning for walks, bring me on adventures in the mountains, and really just make me so happy. 🐕 🐕
5️⃣- I used to compete in Powerlifting and went to Powerlifting Nationals in 2018. My all time PR’s are: Squat 290#, Bench 190#, and Deadlift 340# at 63kg weight class. Now I lift weights to be my strongest version of myself and to be able to lift Molly (and Max). My new fave PR is a 52.5# weighted Pull-Up (aka Pup-Up). This is Molly’s body weight. 🏋🏻♀️
6️⃣- Molly, Jason, and I have summited 21 x 14’ers together! A 14’er (aka: Fourteener) is a mountain > 14,000′ elevation (above sea level). Molly and I love to share summit snacks, and some of our faves are: sweet potato chips, PB packets, and fruit/vegetable pouches. 🏔️
7️⃣- I actually prefer eating at home vs going out to eat. Jason is an excellent chef! My fave meal is a homemade burger + bagel bun, with bacon and guacamole, sweet potato fries, and roasted, crispy brussel sprouts. My runner up meal would be chips + guac + tacos + Margs (light on the sugar, heavy on the salt)! 🍔
8️⃣- I love dark chocolate! My fave brand is HU chocolate. I really believe that all foods can fit. I spent so many years struggling with an eating disorder + overtraining. I used to restrict so many foods, came up with bullshit food rules, and always felt fear, shame, and guilt for eating things like chocolate. I no longer view food as the enemy, and I no longer workout to punish myself. Today, I enjoy all the things like chocolate, ice cream, pizza, and chips. 🍫
9️⃣- Serving women and teaching them how to fuel their bodies, be a badass inside + outside the gym, and to no longer be at war with their bodies is my mission in life. I legit was put on this Earth to do this very thing. I want to be the coach I wish I had when I was struggling with my eating disorder and I don’t want anyone to experience what I did. That’s what gets me up every morning. 💪🏼