Cheers to a Beautiful, Healthy, Strong New Year!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.
Jase (my husband) and I drove 24 hours to New York for Christmas (mainly so we could bring our 2 dogs, Molly & Max, with us). Both of our families live in upstate NY. It’s a haul, but it’s always worth it to celebrate with family (and my dogs).
I don’t know about you, but we’ve got some spicy plans for the upcoming New Year… Jase and I plan to ring in the New Year like a couple of 95-year olds. It’s the same thing every year for us. It never gets old (no pun intended). And I love it. We get in our PJ’s by 4pm and get cozy on the couch, with a homemade meal. Complete with TV and dog snuggles. I’m not complaining.
I hope y’all have some fun New Years plans too. Perhaps more exciting than mine.
But… I gotta admit something.
I wasn’t “perfect” with my nutrition over the holidays. There are days I didn’t track my macros, and days I opted for that extra Buckeye, or piece of Cheesecake with Coconut Whipped Cream on top. And I only lifted weights a few times while traveling.
You can still get results without being perfect. Because it’s about progress and not perfection.
Nowadays I’m at peace with my body and have found balance. It took years of struggling, hormonal disruption, injuries, lots of failure, and stepping away from the very things that pulled me into that unhealthy mentality (competitive sports and unhealthy relationships) to recover.
It’s hard work, but worth it for a life of self-happiness and love. For anyone struggling, you can find balance in 2025!!
As we move into the final days of 2024:
*What’s one lesson you have learned about yourself, that you will take with you into 2025?
*One limiting belief in 2024, that you are letting go off in 2025?
*One thing you are looking forward to in 2025?
This doesn’t have to be fitness related.
PS: Let’s crush 2025 together!
I personally want to look good, feel good, and get stronger. And of course make more adventures with Molly & Max (& Jase). I want to climb more mountains and backpack more. I spend so much time and energy giving to my clients. Don’t get me wrong- it’s my job and I loveeeeee doing it. But it’s time for me to fill up my cup, and hold myself accountable to my own goals. Stay tuned.
Let me know what you want to accomplish this year.