How Many Calories are needed to Achieve an Athletic Physique?


Learn HOW many calories you need to FUEL your body and achieve that athletic physique

You know that eating 1200 calories isn’t enough to build muscle or get toned? But what is?

‼️ Spoiler ‼️ Your 1500-1700 calories likely isn’t enough either.

So… Are you eating enough food to grow those glutes and get more toned 🍑🤨

Chances are, you need to be eating more than 1500-1700 calories to build muscle, tone, get jacked, or whatever you want to call it 💪🏼 A lot of people think that their maintenance calories are actually a lot lower than they are, just rely on an online calculation (vs testing on themselves), or have spent years dieting or yo-yo dieting.

🔥 Ever wonder how many calories you need to eat to support your metabolism?
🔥 Ever wonder how many calories you need to eat to get results?

Ya’ll, it’s time to STOP guessing!

🙋🏻‍♀️ Join me in my FB Group (Weight Lifting, Nutrition, & Lifestyle for Women) for a Live Workshop (or Replay here).

… Oh, and it’s 100% FREE.

What’s on the Menu:
✔️ I will teach you the EXACT steps to determine how many calories you need to eat to get results.

✔️ I will discuss how creating a periodized nutrition approach will improve your results.

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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