Meet my Badass client, Kelly


Hey Strong Girl!

Did you catch my Live Q & A with my client + badass, Kelly?

It was a good one!!

This gal holds such a special place in my heart. Kelly was the winner of my very first Scholarship program that I held, and has continued working with me for almost 2 years! What stood out the most on her Application was that she was in the military, is a wife, a Mom of two, was a surrogate for two sets of twins, works full time at a prestigious company, and is going to school for her doctorate.

The crazy thing is that Kelly is one of the most dedicated clients I have worked with!

Be sure to click here for the video to check out her inspiring mental and physical transformation. 

To sum up Kelly’s journey…

When she came to me she had been chronically eating 1500 calories and wasn’t getting the results she wanted. She busted ass in the gym but didn’t feel like her physique represented all of her hard work and lifting. Kelly ate 1500 calories “because that’s just what women are told to eat.”

So, we set out on a mission to build a badass metabolism that would yield big results. Especially if she practiced patience, played the long-game, and stayed consistent.

Here’s an outline of Kelly’s Nutrition Periodization (seasons of nutrition/dieting).


  • Reverse Diet (aka: Recovery Diet back to Maintenance)
  • 1500 calories to 2400 calories
  • Built lean mass, improved sleep, energy, hormones/PMS symptoms, performance in the gym
  • Improved blood markers (cholesterol, thyroid, Vitamin D)
  • Improved body composition
  • Clothes fit better


  • Calorie Deficit
  • Dieted off of anywhere from ~2100-1800 calories
  • Down 10 pounds


  • Reverse Diet back to new Maintenance Calories
  • Continue to improve Biofeedback and PR’s in the gym!


  • Calorie Deficit
  • Dieting off of ~1700-1900 calories
  • Down 10 pounds + 3 pant sizes!


When you actually take the time to create a periodized nutrition approach, your results will improve significantly. This means following a plan that allows you to build daily healthy habits that feel doable for you, and also allows you seasons of eating enough and improving your metabolism/hormones, balanced with seasons of fat loss (because you shouldn’t be dieting 365 days a year).

This takes patience, consistency, and doing the boring, unsexy work up front.

Kelly is successful because she was willing to play the long-game and put in the boring work up front for greater long-term results.

I couldn’t be more proud of this lady!

PS! Strong girl… do you want results like Kelly? If so… fill out an Application for Coaching today!

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your goals + my programs.

Let’s see if you are a good fit!

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