Netflix & ill


Netflix & ill 🤒

I hate to waste sick days actually being sick, but that’s exactly what happened a couple of weekends ago. I had a weird 12 hour 🦠 and found myself exhausted and needing to rest.

I did all the things to nurse myself back to health- I took the weekend off from working out, got some extra naps, watched way too much football, and even got outside for some fresh air and sunshine with Molly. But outside of that, my steps were pathetic. I ate what I was able to stomach (and salty potato chips were just what my body wanted), and definitely didn’t track my meals.

Here’s what I didn’t do as I started the week…

❌ I didn’t try to “make up” for my lack of movement. Rather, I focused on easing myself back into the gym and taking a deload week (reduced training volume).

❌ I didn’t try to restrict foods or over-eat to “make-up” for an off weekend. Rather, I focused on getting back into my routine, and planning and prepping my meals, and fueling my body.

⚠️ I’m sharing this with you because I know ’tis the season for getting sick. And because if you are at all like my old self, you’re so hard on yourself already. So just popping in your inbox today to remind you to give yourself some grace. Today. And everyday. And maybe you aren’t sick, but maybe you’re injured or life happened and you got off track.

What’s my best piece of advice?

Just keep going, tomorrow is another day. Plus, you’ve got the rest of your life to work on your goals 😉

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